Welcome to Kori's webpage!

I was tired of my internet experience being reduced to time on platforms owned by idiot billionaires, so I made this fun website! I'm posting only cool stuff here, including projects, comics, and animal pictures.
What you can find here:
Manifesto: Where I talk about why I made this website, and how I hope to live my life.
Art Blog: Links to my blogspot blog where I update it whenever I'm making something, which is like everyday. Comics, resin, maybe garden stuff? Whatever I want, it's my blog.
Fun Stuff: Want to learn about my OC? Hear why I care about stickers so much? Get some tea recommendations? This is the place.
Creature Pix: Just want to look at some pictures of frogs? Or puffins??? Or my cat Henry????? Yeah, we got those.
Make Zines: I'm putting all of my zinemaking resources here because I want YOU to make zines too!!!
Cool Links: Websites of my friends, of people who offer website building resources, and places on the internet that are just FUN.
There (will be) other things hidden (and not hidden!) in links on the homepage here, like comics and other non-navigational goodies. So please look around!
Thanks for looking at my site! I hope you have fun!
I love you! You're doing a great job.