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Pictures of Frogs

That's right, it's just a gallery of pictures I took of frogs. I guess some are toads.

These are pictures I've taken while on walks or trips, mostly in Maine.

Here's a nice, classic green guy:

A slimy one:

Ready for my close-up:

Another beaut':


Look at those bars!


Just chillin':

A toad in the hand is worth 2 in the swamp


Literally the size of my fingernail:

Just makin' his way downtown

Okay this was at an Aquarium but WOWZA, amirite???

I'm outta' here!

NEW! Added: 7/10/23

Another aquarium pic, can you believe that beautiful milky color?

My spouse took this pic...what a cutie

Another pic by my spouse...a great shot!

Psyche!! That's a statue of a frog!!!! STILL CUTE!

Thanks for checking out these cool little guys! Beauty is everywhere!
