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Last updated 7/21/2023

What is a Zine?

In short, a zine is a self-published booklet! In long, zines are a tool for communication, community, and self-expression. Here's my manifesto on zines (which is also a zine.)

I think zinemaking is incredibly important and personally fulfilling, so I want as MANY people to make as MANY zines as they can. So I've compiled some zinemaking resources on this page!

View a page documenting All the Zines I've Ever Made (Count on 3/24: 111 Zines)

Zine Making Resources

Kori's Zine Handouts Instructional Zine handouts I've made. Inlcudes ten zine formats, as well as miscellaneous material/publishing info and practice samples. Print them out, share them, use them (just please don't sell them or publish them!) If you use my instructions to make a zine, I hope you show me! (I wanna see!!!)

The Electric Zine Maker a free and radical computer program you can use to build printable zines!

Library of Congress Zine Resources Guides and Libraries

Zine Buying Resources

(These aren't ALL the places you can buy zines from, but these are places I recommend!)

Kori Michele's Zine Shop

Crapandemic Zine Distro

Neither/Nor Zine Distro

The Yam Fam

Here's a picture of my cat making a really weird face:

I love you!
